Geographical Grid Systems
The ČÚZK domain is a guarantee of unification of geodetic controls of the Czech Republic realisation with up-to-date European geodetic controls realisation. Based on these steps, ČÚZK domain builds the georeferencing frame for accurate positioning of spatial data administered on the territory of the CR in both national coordinate systems and European systems that are binding for INSPIRE harmonised data.
Definition of grid system: Harmonised multi-resolution grid with a common point of origin and standardised location and size of grid cells.
The theme Geographical Grid Systems is a reference theme for other INSPIRE themes. It shall not be published as a harmonised data set but is used as a georeferencing frame in other INSPIRE themes, and only for the themes that are represented in fixed and unambiguously defined equally large cells (especially for results of spatial analyses or statistic maps).
Thereinbefore georeferencing frame is a grid constructed in the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area coordinate projection of European Terrestrial Reference system 1989 (ETRS89-LAEA) with following parameters:
- the grid has hierarchical resolution 1 m, 10 m, 100 m, 1 km, 10 km and 100 km, with the centre of the projection at the point 52° N, 10° E and false northing: Y0 = 3210 km, false easting: X0 = 4321 km,
- The grid orientation is south-north, west-east,
- The reference point of a grid cell shall be the lower left corner of the grid cell,
- The grid is designated as Grid_ETRS89-LAEA. For identification of an individual resolution level the cell size in metres is appended (e.g. 100 km grid is designed as Grid_ETRS89_LAEA_100K).
Implementation in the ČÚZK Domain
The theme Geographical Grid Systems is not implemented in the network services for harmonised INSPIRE data sets that presently are provided in frame of ČÚZK Geoportal because the character of provided data does not correspond with implementation requirements mentioned above (these are not the data supposed to be expressed in grid, these are not spatial analyses or statistic maps).Individual harmonised data set shall not be created for the theme Geographical Grid Systems because it is a reference theme, as described above.
As a support for the implementation of the theme at the territory of the CR, ČÚZK prepares retrieval of a source data set Grid_ETRS89_LAEA coordinate grid constructed according to thereinbefore indicated specifications, which will not be a harmonised INSPIRE data set but will serve for creation of harmonised data sets according to this theme at the territory of the CR. The data set is provided as a view service compliant with INSPIRE technical guideline for network services.

Last revision:
Author: 95