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Cadastral Parcels

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Cadastral Parcels

Definition: Cadastral parcels including a dual geometry (definition point and a polygon), cadastral units including a dual geometry (definition point and a polygon) and boundaries of cadastral parcels between common boundary points of three cadastral units.

INSPIRE harmonized series data sets Cadastral Parcels (CP)

The data correspond with the INSPIRE Data Specification for the theme Cadastral Parcels (CP). It originates in the cadastral map that is a binding national map series at large scale, contains points of horizontal geodetic control, planimetric component and map lettering and can be maintained in the form of digital map, analogue map or digitized map. The data published in the frame of INSPIRE contain only cadastral districts (for the whole Czech Republic) and parcels and their boundaries from the territory where the digital map occures (to the 2024-01-08 it is 98.99% of the Czech territory, i.e. 78 069.12 km2). More in the Cadastral Law 344/1992 Coll., Cadastral Public Note No. 26/2007 Coll. as ammended and INSPIRE Data Specification on Cadastral Parcels v 3.0.1. Data in the GML 3.2.1 fotrmat are valid against XML Definition Schema for the theme Cadastral Parcels in version 4.0 and spatial data scheme for ELF in version 1.0.

INSPIRE harmonized series data sets Cadastral Parcels Extended (CPX)

The extension targets on providing full cadastral map as defined in Cadastral Public Note in the form of vectror data in the structure fully conform to the INSPIRE Directive and Implementing Rules. The data extends the INSPIRE Data Specification for the theme Cadastral Parcels (CP) for easements, geodetic points, other features, original geometry and analogue cadastral parcels (those in the areas with analogue map only). It originates in the cadastral map that is a binding national map series at large scale, contains points of horizontal geodetic control, planimetric component and map lettering and can be maintained in the form of digital map, analogue map or digitized map. The data published in the frame of this product contain cadastral districts (for the whole Czech Republic), parcels, their boundaries, easements, other features, geodetic points and original geometries from the territory where the digital map occures (to the 2024-01-08 it is 98.99% of the Czech territory, i.e. 78 069.12 km2) and analogue cadastral parcels in the areas with analogue map, containing only reference points as geometry. More in the Cadastral Law 344/1992 Coll., Cadastral Public Note No. 26/2007 Coll. as ammended and INSPIRE Data Specification on Cadastral Parcels v 3.0.1. Data in the GML 3.2.1 fotrmat are valid against XML Definition Schema for the Cadastral Parcels Extended in version 4.0.



Last update: 30.01.2024
Last revision:
Author: 95