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Czech Names of Seas and International Territories

Names of States and their territorial parts

Geographical names of the Czech Republic

Historical geographical names of the Czech Republic (PDF)

History of nomenclature commissions

List of Czech Exonyms

The Names of the States and Their Selected Territorial parts - Europe

Major Geomorphological Units of the Czech Republic

Cadastre of the Czech Republic Summarization Documents


Historie názvoslovných komisí

Product information
NameHistorie názvoslovných komisí
Commercial code632722
Export unit1 item
Unit priceAccording to Regulation No 31/1995 Sb.
Export formatsPDF
Coordinate systems
Product descriptionThe publication deals with the hundred year old history of terminological commissions on the territory of today's Czech Republic and a century of processing geographical names on the territory of the Czech Republic. The publication is completed by information of some members of terminological commissions and plentiful picture material about processing of geographical names. This is the first work of its kind in this range. The publication has 71 pages including 27 pages of picture material. ISBN for PDF version: ISBN 978-80-88197-08-9 and it is possible to download it for free.
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Conditions applying to access and useAccording to Regulation No 31/1995 Sb.
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Contact - product informationCzech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, e-mail:
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