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WFS - ZABAGED® - planimetry


WFS - ZABAGED® - Contours

WFS - Data50

WFS - Data250

WFS - Geonames

WFS - Geodetic controls

Download Services for INSPIRE theme Cadastral Parcels (CP)

Download Services for INSPIRE theme Cadastral Parcels Extended (CPX)

Download Services for theme Addresses (AD)

Download Services for theme Administrative Units (AU)

Download Services for theme Buildings (BU)

Download Services for theme Geographical Names (GN)

download service for the theme Hydrography - physical waters (HY_P)

download service for the theme Hydrography - net (HY_NET)

download service for the theme Transport Networks-AIR (TN_AIR)

download service for the theme Transport Networks-CABLE (TN_CABLE)

download service for the theme Transport Networks-RAIL (TN_RAIL)

download service for the theme Transport Networks-ROAD (TN_ROAD)

download service for the theme Transport Networks-WATER (TN_WATER)

download service for the theme Land use (LU)

download service for the theme Elevation-TIN (EL_TIN)


WFS Download Service - ZABAGED® - Planimetric Components

WFS-ZABAGED®-POLOHOPIS is a download service for provision of Fundamental Base of Geographic Data of the Czech Republic (ZABAGED®) data. The service makes possible repetitive downloading of this data from periodically updated publication database in GML 3.2 format to users. The service fulfils the OGC WFS 2.0.0 standard. The service has a limits of 10,000 features per one request.

Service identification

Source name: WFS Download Service - ZABAGED® - Planimetric Components
Alternative name: WFS service for data download - ZABAGED® - Polohopis
Alternative name: WFS-ZABAGED-Planimetry
Reference datum
Reference date: 2024-07-08
Event: revision
Service identifier
Unique identifier:
Contact to the organisation responsible for the service
Name of the organisation: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Abstract: WFS-ZABAGED®-POLOHOPIS is a download service for provision of Fundamental Base of Geographic Data of the Czech Republic (ZABAGED®) data. The service makes possible repetitive downloading of this data from periodically updated publication database in GML 3.2 format to users. The service fulfils the OGC WFS 2.0.0 standard. The service has a limits of 10,000 features per one request.
Responsible organisation
Person name: Srovnal Pavel, Mgr.
Name of the organisation: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Responsible organisation information
Contact phone
Phone: +420 585 552 410
Fax: +420 284 041 416
Delivery place: Pod sídlištěm 1800/9
City: Praha 8
ZIP code: 182 11
Country: Czech Republic
Online source
Contact hours: Mo-Fr 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM CET
Supplementary information:
Role: custodian
Keyword: Buildings
Keyword: Land cover
Keyword: Hydrography
Officially registered thesaurus
Reference datum
Reference date: 2008-06-01
Event: publication
Organisation responsible for the thesaurus:
Name of the organisation: Joint Research Centre
Role: pointOfContact
Keyword: address
Keyword: building
Keyword: model
Keyword: municipality
Keyword: vector map
Keyword: hydrography
Officially registered thesaurus
Reference datum
Reference date: 2009-01-01
Event: publication
Organisation responsible for the thesaurus:
Name of the organisation: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Role: pointOfContact
Keyword: download service
Keyword: data downloading
Keyword: seamless
Keyword: hydrologic
Keyword: flow
Keyword: water
Keyword: water
Keyword: communication
Keyword: road
Keyword: street
Keyword: way
Keyword: ways
Keyword: settlement
Keyword: address points
Keyword: municipalities
Keyword: cover
Keyword: land use
Keyword: administrative
Keyword: administration
Keyword: digital
Keyword: geographical
Keyword: topologic
Keyword: relief
Keyword: scale 1:10000
Keyword: scale 1:10,000
Keyword: 10000
Keyword: 10,000
Keyword: services
Officially registered thesaurus
Source name:
Reference datumOrganisation responsible for the thesaurus:
Officially registered thesaurus
Reference datum
Reference date: 2008-12-03
Event: publication
Organisation responsible for the thesaurus:
Source restriction
Access and use terms: Data and Services Use Policy
Service type name: INSPIRE download service
Service version: 3.1
Service extension
Extent information: 100 % of the Czech Republic territory, i.e. 78,866 km2.
Geographic limitations
Minimal bounding box
Westernmost coordinate: 12.09
Easternmost coordinate: 18.86
Southernmost coordinate: 48.55
Northernmost coordinate: 51.06
Altitude extension
Minimal value: 115.0
Maximal value: 1602.0
Relation type: tight
Contents operation
Operation name: getCapabilities
Processing platforms (DCP): WebServices
Contents operation
Operation name: getFeature
Processing platforms (DCP): WebServices
Contents operation
Operation name: describeFeatureType
Processing platforms (DCP): WebServices


Distribution formate
Name: GML
Version: 3.2
Contact information:
Name of the organisation: Land Survey Office
Means of order

Service quality

Level of scope
Quality description level: service
Report - INSPIRE compliance
Test identifier:
Code: CZ-00025712-CUZK_WFS_LOCAL_ZABAGED-DQ_DomainConsistency-1
Alternative name: COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 976/2009 of 19 October 2009 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the Network Services
Reference date
Reference date: 2009-10-20
Event: publication
Test description: Network service conformity testing with INSPIRE implementing rules for network services.
Degree of conformity: false
Report - INSPIRE compliance
Test identifier:
Code: CZ-00025712-CUZK_WFS_LOCAL_ZABAGED-DQ_DomainConsistency-2
Source name: Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Download Services
Alternative name: Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Download Services
Reference date
Reference date: 2013-08-09
Event: publication
Test description: WFS-ZABAGED download service conformity testing with the Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Download Services.
Degree of conformity: false