Definition: Hydrographical elements, including marine areas and all water bodies and items related to them, including river basins and sub-basins.
Spatial information shall be provided using these groups (application schemas) of spatial objects :
- Hydro - base contains only one spatial object type that is abstract.
- Hydro - Physical Waters with spatial object types: Crossing, DamOrWeir, DrainageBasin, Embankment, Falls, Ford, LandWaterBoundary, Lock, Rapids, RiverBasin, Shore, ShorelineConstruction, Sluice, StandingWater, Watercourse and Wetland.
- Hydro - Network with spatial object types: HydroNode, WatercourseLink, WatercourseLinkSequence and WatercourseSeparatedCrossing.
Data in the ČÚZK Domain
The ČÚZK domain provides the data for the theme Hydrography harmonised according to INSPIRE data specification according Physical waters application schema and according to Hydro - Network application schema.
Last update: 27.6.2017
Last revision:
Author: 95
Last revision:
Author: 95