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Registry of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates (RÚIAN)

Registry of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates (RÚIAN) is under operation since July 1st 2012 as an integral part of the whole system of public administration basic registries. The administrator and operator of RÚIAN is Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre (ČÚZK). The maker of the whole system is the company NESS Czech, Ltd.

The RÚIAN project ( is the most extended project in the frame of the Czech civil service basic registries system (basic registries are managed by the Act no. 111/2009 Sb., their general coordinator is the National Registries Authority at the moment, The issue is not only the independent basic registry RÚIAN itself but in the frame of the project a completely new independent agenda information system of territorial information has been built (ISÚI, that is mostly exploited by external editors at municipalities and construction administrations, who are according to the law the main editors of data in RÚIAN). Over 3,800 editors participate in the editing of RÚIAN data. Also the existing Information System of the Cadastre of Real Estates (ISKN) was adapted in a significant way in frame of the RÚIAN project. Last but not least, creation of the new public remote access (VDP) was a part of the RÚIAN project. VDP makes accessible RÚIAN data on the Internet. Specialized interested persons can download the RÚIAN data for their own need as so called exchange format (VFR), which is also available free and without any registration on the Internet (

The main benefit of the whole set of basic registries is to create such set of reference data, on which the employees of civil service in their work can rely on, and they will not have to annoy a citizen or entrepreneur with repeated requests to provide still the same data. In case of RÚIAN it means administration of descriptive and localisation data about territorial elements, territorial inventory units, teleological territorial elements and specially address data and their mutual relations (which addresses there are in the street, municipality section, in the municipality ...). The Executive Notice no. 359/2011 Sb., on Basic Registry of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates, is the first executive decree that governs unified manner of the writing of an address in the whole Czech Republic (up to now this was managed only in Czech Post documents). Address information administered in RÚIAN are binding for the whole civil service. In consequence it means that e.g. an address that is not properly documented in RÚIAN can't be claimed as the residence place for a citizen in the Registry of Citizens (ROB) or as the company residence or as a registered office in the Registry of Persons (ROS). The editors managed by the law also ensure in the RÚIAN that there is a real building structure for each address point that must be registered in ISÚI or, for some building types, also registered as a building in the cadastre of real estates (mutual relations of individual elements according to law are checked by the system).
Last update: 31.01.2023
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