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ATOM Download Service for the Properties registered for indeterminate ownership

Product information
NameATOM Download Service for the Properties registered for indeterminate ownership
Commercial code Commercial code is not defined
Export unitExport unit is not defined
Unit price
Product descriptionDownload Service provides pre-defined data for properties registered for indeterminate ownership, transmitted according to the § 64 and § 65 of Act No. 256/2013 Coll., on Cadastre of Real Estate, using the ATOM technology. The service is a publicly available, free-of-charge and enables to download predefined data files containing data for individual cadastral units. Data is provided in the SHP format (Windows-1250 character encoding). Dataset is compressed (ZIP) for downloading.
Service characteristics Download document with service characteristics
Service location
Data set provided by the service
Conditions applying to access and use
ContactCzech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, , phone: +420 284 044 455 , e-mail:
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