WFS download service
WFS services (Web Feature Service) enables to download spatial data sets in a vector data format. WFS standard is developed by OGC.
WFS download services in the ČÚZK domain
The ČÚZK provides download services for selected data sets from the ČÚZK domain. The services fulfil Technical guidance for INSPIRE download services v. 3.1 and simultaneously fulfil OGC WFS 2.0.0 standard. ČÚZK provides data harmonised according to INSPIRE data specifications through WFS service for themes Cadastral Parcels (CP), Addresses (AD), Administrative Units (AU), Hydrography (HY), Geographical Names (GN), Transport Network (TN), Buildings (BU) and Land Use (LU).Services support following operations:
- GetCapabilities - enables to receive basic information about the service (e.g. supported operations, filters, coordinate systems etc.).
- GetFeature - enables to receive required features from the data set in GML format.
- DescribeFeatureType - enables to receive the XML schema which contains description of the feature types and their attributes.
- ListStoredQueries - enables to receive the list of supported stored queries.
- DescribeStoredQueries - enables to receive the list of supported stored queries including description of its parameters.
Last update: 29.4.2022
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Author: 95
Last revision:
Author: 95