Open data
From 1 January 2020, the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre (hereinafter referred to as "ČÚZK") provides spatial data falling into the category of open data (including metadata) free of charge based on the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0.
In addition, from 1 July 2023, the Land Survey Office publishes data from ZABAGED®, the orthophoto of the Czech Republic, the state map work, the database file of geographic nomenclature and point fields free of charge as open data based on the amendment to Act No. 200/1994 Coll., on surveying and on the amendment and supplementing some laws related to its introduction.
In practice, this means that the ČÚZK department provides free of charge and in the form of open data all spatial data (with the exception of aerial survey photo and archival documents), which are listed on the ČÚZK Geoportal in the Data tab.
Here, for each dataset, a selection of "Product Information" metadata items is prepared, including "Distribution" and "Data Download" sections with links that allow users to quickly access open spatial data using applications and download services.
In addition to spatial data, ČÚZK also provides other open data sets, always in accordance with the relevant Open Formal Standard. All open data are registered in the National Open Data Catalog (NKOD).
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Autor: 95